Stroke Symptoms Specialist

Symphony Medical
Multi Speciality Medical Practice located in Dobbs Ferry, NY & Yonkers, NY
You have the best chance of fully recovering from a stroke when you get treatment within three hours. The only way to get rapid treatment is to be aware of the symptoms and then seek immediate help from the emergency medicine team at Symphony Medical. Their emergency department is open 24/7 at their Andrus location in Yonkers, New York, and their Dobbs Ferry, New York, office. If you have questions, call one of the offices or connect online.
Stroke Symptoms Q & A
What causes a stroke?
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain stops or is significantly reduced. Without enough blood, your brain doesn't get oxygen, which in turn leads to the death of brain cells.
If you get treatment within three hours at the most (earlier than that is even better), you increase your chance of a full recovery after a stroke.
What are the common stroke symptoms?
Some people experience symptoms like a headache or temporary numbness or tingling several days before they have a major stroke.
With or without those early signs, the top five warning signs of a stroke occur suddenly when the stroke begins:
- Severe headache
- Dizziness, loss of balance, or trouble walking
- Loss of vision or vision changes (in one or both eyes)
- Confusion or disorientation
- Numbness or weakness on one side of your body
You may also be familiar with the FAST acronym that serves as a reminder of the three common symptoms, how to notice them, and the importance of getting help immediately:
Face drooping
If you or the person having a stroke tries to smile, your mouth only turns up on one side, while the other side drops down.
Arm weakness or numbness
If you try to lift both arms (or you ask someone else to do it), one arm will drop below the other.
Speech problems
A stroke often causes slurred speech. If you suspect someone is having a stroke, ask them to repeat a simple phrase to determine if their speech sounds slurred or unusual.
Time to call 911
This reminds you to call for emergency medical treatment immediately. Don't drive yourself, and don't let someone else drive you to the hospital. The emergency medical technicians can begin life-saving treatment on the way to the hospital.
What causes a stroke?
Most strokes occur when a blood clot or fatty plaque blocks an artery carrying oxygen-rich blood to your brain. However, you can also have a hemorrhagic stroke when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures.
A mini-stroke, or transient ischemic attack (TIA), is a stroke that lasts a few minutes and doesn't cause brain damage. These mini-strokes may cause the same symptoms as a major stroke, but the symptoms are so mild and brief that most people don't notice them.
If you do notice signs of a TIA, it's important to get a full evaluation at Symphony Medical. One-third of all people who have a TIA eventually have a stroke, with half occurring in the year following the TIA.
If you have questions about strokes or would like an evaluation to determine your risk of having a stroke, call Symphony Medical or book an appointment online today.