We take every step possible to protect our patients.
We understand and value the safety of our patients and their families, which is why we’ve made sure to take precautions and follow carefully designed safety measures in compliance with New York state and Westchester county guidelines to minimize the risk of spread of COVID-19. For more information on state and county guidelines, click here.
What to expect
It’s normal to feel apprehensive about entering a medical facility during these uncertain times, which can influence people to skip out on crucial routine treatments. We know it’s important to choose a facility where you feel safe and comfortable, and we’ve taken every step necessary to ensure your safety during your visit. Patients can opt for telehealth visits if they prefer to stay home. Those attending in-person appointments can expect the following:
Mask Policy Enforced
Visitors will be required to wear a surgical face mask upon entering the hospital. A mask will be provided in the event a visitor does not have one once they arrive.
Health Screenings Upon Entry
Visitors will undergo symptom and temperature screening upon entering the lobby of the hospital. Visitors shall be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 14 days, or have a temperature equal to/greater than 100.0 degrees Farhenheit.
Enhanced Cleaning Practices
Extra time and care is taken to clean each waiting room, exam room, and piece of equipment after each patient.
Social Distancing Observed
Waiting rooms and other public spaces arranged to observe social distancing measures.
Visitor guidelines
To keep our facilities and patients safe, we ask everyone to please adhere to our visitor guidelines. Here’s what to expect when you arrive for your appointment:
We ask all who enter to please bring their own cloth masks/face coverings. Acceptable masks include: Homemade, surgical, or dust masks, N95 masks.
Social Distancing
Follow social distancing measures and maintain a 6ft distance from others at all times.
Please leave all children under the age of 13 in the care of someone else at home. At this time, we encourage patients to attend on their own if possible.
If you or a family member has exhibited any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days, we kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment or opt for a telehealth visit.